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Monday, March 4, 2019

Hack The Box | Hack The Box Invite Code | Hack the Box : CTF Challenge

hack the box invite code

Hack The Box is an online website which is used by ethical hacker, cyber security learners and hackers to better up in their hacking skills. HackTheBox is an online penetration testing lab setup based on CTF (Capture The Flag) contest mode.

 Online penetration testing setups for free are very rarely available and are more easier as well handy to used which make HackTheBox  so important to be used by people who want to learn any kind of hacking wether it’s White hat Hacking, Ethical Hacking or Black Hat Hacking. This online penetration testing lab allows everyone over the globe to test their penetration testing skills. Apart from this it also allows people to exchange their ideas as well as their methodologies with millions of people in the field of cyber security/ethical hacking.

Key Feature of HackTheBox

  • HackTheBox has a Massive Lab infrastructure with new machines which are almost infinite in numbers.
  • New Challenges released on the weekly basis which lets you understand and discover thousands of new techniques, tips and tricks for hacking while you practice hacking/penetrating the online systems.
  • HackTheBox makes its users more ambitious and hardworking, infact it makes rookies/beginners as well as everyone to practice their hacking/penetrating skills everyday so that they get new Ranks & Badges. The concept of Ranks & Badges in allows its users the compete with other users and reach the Hall Of Fame to show off their progress in HackTheBox with their different badges and Ranks they have earned while competing with other users.
  • Using HackTheBox as a reference of their hacking/penetrating skills people who want to get or apply for a job can easily get a job in the ethical hacking or penetration testing field.
  • HackTheBox also provides people who conduct or want to conduct Ethical Hacking workshops to rent their online penetration testing labs with advanced features which will fully cater to the needs and requirements of the people or organization.
  • More than 10 million users with more than different types of machines and over 62 challenges awaits every aspiring hacker to join HackTheBox.
  • HackTheBox also allows other companies to view your career results and give its users a brand exposure that may also lead to their users being recruited to one of the best cyber security team’s or Organization.

How To Join HackTheBox
Since HackTheBox provides online penetrating labs, they want that the users who want to learn ethical hacking or penetration testing to show some interest at first. So, they created the concept of an Invite code. This concept of an invite code is a hurdle for everyone who want to join HackTheBox as people who want to register for HackTheBox programme need first to enter a valid everytime changing HackTheBox invite code in-order to start their registration process and enter Online Lab Setups.

How To Get HackTheBox Invite Code?

There are some requirements inorder to get an invite code :-
Operating Systems: Kali Linux (must), Windows 7/8/8.1/10.
And an Active Internet Connection.

Note: If you want just to use you Kali Linux OS you may use it, I have just recommended Windows OS for overcoming any inconvenience during the process.

Follow on the steps given bellow after the above requirements are fulfilled.

Step 1: In order to get an invite code, we must first visit website.

Step 2: Scroll down until you see a Join now option and click on the Join button, now you shall be   redirected to another tab of the website.
hack the box walkthrough

Step 3: Now you will find that HackTheBox website is asking you to enter an invite code in order to register into HackTheBox website. So, just Right click on any part of the website and select the ‘INSPECT’ option or just simply press CTRL + SHIFT + I button on your keyboard.
hack the box tutorial

Step 4: Now after you complete the step 3 you will see a white tab. Just check for the line


Right click on that line and you will see some options, just select the option of “Copy Link Address”.
 how to get invite code for hack the box

Step 5: Open another tab in you Browser and paste that link into the address bar of your browser and hit enter. Search for the work “makeInviteCode” and copy it.
hack the box invite code 2019

Step 6: Now go back to the previous tab and in the white box select the second option “console”.
Now, paste the text you copied and add normal braces to it and hit enter. It will appear as “makeInviteCode()”.

hack the box walkthrough
Step 7: wait for a couple of seconds for the website console to reply. Now you will see that a line has been omitted into the console, just click on the 3 dots present there and the 3 dots will expand there. There will be some encoded message written in red colour, just select and copy that text and check the words, encoded in, it will either show rot 13 or base 64. In my case it was Rot 13.

hack the box tutorial
Step 8: Now open another tab in your browser, search Rot 13 decoder or base 64 according to your case. Paste the copied text into the encoded message tab, hit decode and check in the encoded message tab for “/api/invite/generate“. Copy the text for the next step.
hack the box invite code hint

Step 9:  Go to the first tab of your browser which you had opened and paste it in place of “/invite” and press enter key.
hack the box invite code free

Step 10: Now you will get an error message, worry not just copy the entire link for the address bar and in you Kali Linux machine, open a terminal and type,
         curl –XPOST link you copied
It will look like,       curl –XPOST
Press enter.
hack the box login

Step 11: wait for a couple of seconds, an encoded message will generate, copy it. Now search for base64 decoder, select and website and decode it, you will get the invite code which you wanted.
Go to  website, paste the invite code which you generated and click sign up and after that just fill in your credentials.
hack the box invite code
How to get the Invite Code

Happy Hacking Journey !!!

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