Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Dedsec Facebook Hacking Course For Free

    Dedsec Facebook & Instagram Hacking Course For Free

Dedsec Facebook Hacking Course Free Download

Yes friends,the time has come to reveal the lauched course of dedsec.This course of Dedsec is named as Dedsec Facebook Hacking Course.

Who is Dedsec?

Dedsec is a youtube channel which is not too much popular. Apart from teaching Ethical Hacking , Cybersecurity, Dedsec has also made courses on hacking which aree well known amongst all.Still if u wana know about the u may check out from the links below.

About the Dedsec Facebook Hacking Course :

The Dedsec Facebook Hacking Course contains :-
1.Hack Faacebook On Local Networks.
2.Facebook Latest Brutforce Method.
3.Hack Instagram using Fake Pages
4.Hack Instagram using Fake Followers Technique.
5.Crypter 888RatSilent Exploit IE.

[IMP]How Are His Courses? 
What is the Level of His Courses?
Are his Courses Useful?

Yes,friends all the courses launched by dedsec till date are fantastic and i highly recommend them if u wanan learn something new.The guy Dedsec in my opinion is a knowledgeble person with a good command and grip over using Kali Linux and using Kali Linux for Ethical Hacking or Black Hat Hacking.
The level of his courses are a bit moderate.If u have just have a bit prior knowledege in Kali Linux, or in the feild of Ethical Hacking or if u just have Kali Linux insatlled and are in need of learning something new then his courses are for you.
Yes,his courses are useful and you will definetly learn something new or will sharpen your skill of using Kali Linux for Ethical Hacking.

About his other Courses?

Apart from Dedsec's ERC Course he has also launched other courses.The price for these course are appropriate.You can check about his othwr courses in the links given below.

Where to Buy his Courses?

All the courses of Dedsec are available on dedsec's website https://www.dedseec.com/2018/07/advance-and-undetectable-facebook.html .
You can go and buy all the course out from there.

Dedsec Facebook & Instagram Hacking Course Free Download

So,finally after a long wait(1 week).Now you all will be able to download Dedsec's ERC Course for free.Yes,you all have heard,seen and read right that is Dedsec ERC Course Free Download..

Buy From Official Website of Dedsec:[RECOMMENDED]

Disclaimer :

I do not promote any kind of Hacking wether its black hat,grey hat or white hack.
I will not be responsible for any use or misuse of the Course that i provide which is Dedsec Facebook Hacking Course Download Free.Neither will my blog HackingCourses4Free be responsible for any misuse of the given content.Please,Its my earnest request not to misuse the course.


  1. Bro the password is not working

    1. Use astris sign at the staring and ending..and use the exact UpperCase/Lowercase of the characters..password is working..

  2. Dear Sir,
    I tried to download the "DEDSEC FACEBOOK HACKING COURSE FOR FREE" on 22/11/2018 but unfortunately and error occurred because the link have been blocked from MefiaFire website

    I will be thankful to you if you kindly share the working link of the video or google drive video link on your blog or in my email address shailangi98@gmail.com

    Thanking You.

  3. Thank You for informing..we will update the libk as soon as possible.

  4. Dear Sir,
    I tried to download the "DEDSEC FACEBOOK HACKING COURSE FOR FREE" on 22/11/2018 but unfortunately and error occurred because the link have been blocked from MefiaFire website

    I will be thankful to you if you kindly share the working link of the video or google drive video link on your blog or in my email address kumarsauravraja@gmail.com

    Thanking You.
